Funeral Repatriation from Poland

Since the beginning of the 2000s, the economy of Poland has been developing dynamically, and this in turn contributes to the growth of Ukrainian migration to Poland, geographical and cultural proximity, and the liberalization of the Polish labor market for our citizens contributes to the fact that more and more Ukrainians are leaving for Poland. Death does not choose where and when to come, therefore, if a person close to you has died in Poland, you need to take the following actions.

1.) Notify the authorities that a death has occurred.

If you are not in a hospital or hospice at the time of death, call 911 immediately so that death can be legally pronounced. If a person one is in hospital or under hospice care, this task is usually left to healthcare professionals

If a person was in emigration and died, the following actions must be taken. Call the hotline number of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Poland + 48 22 622 47 97.

Find out from the Consul the circumstances of the death, also ask  for a list of funeral companies that are engaged in international transportation of the deceased. The main mission of the Embassy of Ukraine is to protect against cynicism in the field of funeral services. Every consul of Ukraine in Poland knows about the company "Funeral Repatriation - Memento mori" and supports and respects our work.

2.) Arrange transportation by calling our ritual company.

Get a free consultation on the registration of death documents in Poland, and assistance with the transportation of a coffin with the body of the deceased or an urn with ashes. We do not need the presence of relatives and friends in Poland to transport your close person to Ukraine. Just give us a permission-order, which will allow us to take all the necessary actions on the territory of Poland, in order to transport the body of the deceased from abroad to Ukraine.

3.) Повідомте родину та близьких друзів про смерть. Ви можете попросити когось із цих людей повідомити інших. 4.)Повідомте роботодавця, якщо померла/ померлий все ще працював. Запитайте про залишок заробітної плати, страхування життя, пільги чи будь-які інші деталі, пов’язані з роботою, які вам можуть знадобитися. 5.) Знайдіть заповіт та будь-які заздалегідь заплановані побажання померлого родича.Перевезення-трупів-з-Варшави

4.) Notify the employer if the deceased was still employed.

Ask about salary balances, life insurance, benefits, or any other job-related details you might need.

5.) Find the will and any pre-planned wishes of the deceased relative.



Funeral Repatriation “Memento mori” sp.z o.o.
NIP : 6793211538
Poland, Cracow
© Copyright 2023